Gracia Epilogue Offline

Custom rates
(~1000x retail like)
Enchant Max - 40w/45a
More Info
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ISP Crash
2010-08-23 06:16:49
Author: Admin

after tonight thunder, our ISP has crashed. So server will be offline until ISP fixes it's problems. After that we will try to get up our servers as fast as we can.

Thank you for your patient.
Destiny LT

Mini update
2010-07-31 08:26:46
Author: MKas

Olympiad base classed fights now will need 4 participants!

2010-07-29 12:28:06
Author: MKas

Attention! Don't trust if someone says similar like - "soon will be wipe". This server already no wiped ~3 years and won't do wipe!
So play and don't worry - you won't lose your characters, skills, items, etc.. (except rule #12)

Update #6
2010-07-01 14:01:34
Author: MKas

Added Hardins Private Academy teleport to Luxury GK
Fixed International payment method
Karma can't use teleports

Update #5
2010-06-06 08:15:31
Author: MKas

Added items in GM shop
Ketra's outpost old monsters replaced by the new ones - new custom monsters, raid bosses, even grand bosses! Some of them stats can be found in gallery
Removed custom zones - Arena of Falls, EWS, Forge

Siege length
2010-05-23 07:32:36
Author: MKas

Now siege length will be same as in retail - 2 hours

Update #4
2010-05-09 18:06:19
Author: MKas

Added clan skill items to GM shop
Added 16 stage crystals to GM shop
Added ancient adena to GM shop
New custom merchant added to Giran and Adena castles. He sells cloak with special abilities.
Raised attribute stones drop rate from chimera's.

2010-05-01 18:52:18
Author: MKas

Server backup and cleanup succesfully finished.
Good luck!
