Gracia Epilogue Offline

Custom rates
(~1000x retail like)
Enchant Max - 40w/45a
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Gracia Final
2009-05-13 21:02:13
Author: MKas

We are going to update our current server to Gracia Final version on 18 May.

Rules changed
2009-04-26 17:02:29
Author: MKas

7th and 10th rules has been changed.

Dynasty SA
2009-04-25 17:23:04
Author: MKas

Added Dynasty Leather armor for kamael race and summoner classes to gm shop

Flood protection
2009-04-25 16:50:39
Author: MKas

We enabled anti flood protection. Punishment is 1min jail.

2009-04-21 21:22:13
Author: MKas

* Added possibility to exchange credits to event medal.
* Festival adena now can be traded.
* Summon bug fix.

Fixes and shop
2009-04-18 18:22:18
Author: MKas

We did another skills fix. Now all skills must be appeared which was disappeared after last update.

Another change, we added user control panel. Here you can change your account password or use our

2009-04-17 15:33:17
Author: MKas

A lot of skill were reworked and balanced.
Added sword of miracles to gm shop.
Added dance of siren to npc buffer and buff time raised to 30 minutes.
Many little fixes were made.

Everything fixed
2009-04-15 05:54:39
Author: MKas

Added dynasty armors to raid drop
Added festival adena, which you can change to Dynasty / Icarus Weapons, or blessed A / S Scrolls
Fixed crystal scroll enchant bug
Fixed an error, through which the items were lost after th...
